Family Teacher Organization (FTO) Mission
As parents, guardians, or family members of Truesdell students you are automatically a member of the Family Teacher Organization. Our mission together is to:​
support Truesdell families and teachers with a stronger voice in the school and community;
promote and facilitate communication at Truesdell between families, educators, and the administration;
engage families to support the academic learning and development of their children; and
secure resources to address educational and other needs of the school community.
What is the Family Teacher Organization (FTO)?
The FTO is equivalent to a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), we work with parents, staff, teachers to organize and facilitate events both during and after school hours that serve to enrich our children's educational experiences and build a stronger community. Over the last two years, the FTO advocated for a new playground (construction is underway), held a variety of school events including but not limited to toy drives, warm clothing and uniform drives as well as sponsored movie nights and popsicles on the playground. Additionally, the FTO engaged in fundraising activities to support Truesdell families gravely impacted by COVID-19.
Why should I actively participate in the FTO or serve on the FTO Board of Directors?
We need your voice and your talent, everyone has different strengths and everyone has something unique to offer our school. We are an incredibly diverse school and we want to ensure that everyone is represented in the FTO, it is incredibly important to us to ensure all voices are heard and we're having a positive impact on the whole school community.
Do I have to be a parent or guardian to participate?
No! Anyone is welcome, aunts, uncles, grandparents, anyone who cares about Truesdell and our scholars!
Does it take a lot of time?
The general meetings are typically on the first Monday of each month and take about an hour. Volunteering for events or activities would take additional time but is flexible based on your schedule. There are always things you can do from the comfort of your home to support as well (i.e. cook, take photos, translate).
Join our Google Group!​
Sign in to Google Groups. Learn how to join if you do not have a Google Account.
In the box at the top, enter "Truesdell Family Teacher Organization"
To join a group, click Join group. After you’ve joined our group, you will receive a confirmation email.
Join our WhatsApp Group!
Open WhatsApp
Use this link to join the Truesdell FTO group
Email Us at TruesdellFTO@gmail.com
Truesdell Family Teacher Organization

Jump In | Our mission to support our families, school, and the community. Come to a meeting, send us a message, let us know how you can help or what you might be interested in supporting!

Give Back | Truesdell FTO is a 501(c)(3) charity. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Contact our treasurer with questions.

Take Some Time | If you are looking to spend some time in the classroom, check out the link below for clearance procedures and how to volunteer in the classroom.

Shop While You Shop | When you shop at Amazon shop through Amazon Smile, % of proceeds will come back to Truesdell: smile.amazon.com
If shopping at primary.com for uniforms or other clothes, please use the code TRUESDELL so we get 10% of all proceeds!