What are the school hours?
8:45am-3:15pm, Monday - Friday
How early can I drop my child off at school?
If your child is enrolled in before care may arrive as early as 8:00am. Doors open for students who are. not enrolled in before care at 8:45am. There is no supervision prior to 8:45am for students who are not enrolled in before care.
Where does my child enter the school?
​At the Sharpe Campus, students in grades pre-kindergarten 3 - Kindergarten enter through the side entrance on 13th street on the left side of the building. Do not enter through the Dorothy Height Elementary School Entrance. There is no access to our side of the building.
At the Ingraham Campus, students in grades 1 - 5 enter the school through the front door on Ingraham Street.
When are students dismissed?
At the Sharpe campus, students board the bus to return to the Ingraham campus at 3:05pm and arrive at the Ingraham campus to be dismissed at 3:15pm. If you child is not riding the bus, they will be dismissed at 3:05pm from the Sharpe campus.
At the Ingraham campus, students are dismissed at 3:15pm.
How do I enroll my child in aftercare?
Contact our After Care Coordinator, Ms. Aquinetta Robinson at aquinetta.robinson@k12.dc.gov or call 202-576-6202.
How do I get involved?
Please visit the Family Engagement page to learn about ways to get involved and for information about the Family Teacher Organization (FTO).
Will my child get breakfast at school?
At the Ingraham campus, breakfast is served between 8:45am - 9:00am.
At the Sharpe campus, breakfast is served from 9:00am - 9:15am.
Do students wear uniforms?
Yes, purple or white collared shirts and khaki bottoms. Uniforms can be found on the Amazon website and Old Navy.
How can I directly support students and teachers?
Consider becoming a room parent! To learn more about what a room parent does, please contact Maria Raimundi at maria.raimundi@k12.dc.gov. If you decide that being a room parent is too much of a comittment, ask the room parent. Also, our teachers often use donorschoose.org which is an online platform to allows individuals to donate directly to public school classroom projects. For a list of Truesdell's donors choose projects, please go to this link.